Chocolate Cake Anyone?

Extreme Chocolate Kumara Cake

The Extreme Chocolate Kumara Cake passed the 50,000 slices of cake sold milestone last month and despite having expanded the range and brought in some other quite stunning cakes, the Extreme Kumara still does it for a lot of people. Even taking to account it is probably the plainest of the selection.

What you may not know is that I made the cake as a way of trying to showcase the coconut flour I had imported and was having difficulty selling to the organic stores. ‘We like it, but it’s too hard to cook with’ is the comment that I remember from the then manager of East West Organics in New Lynn (now Huckleberry). So, I went away and baked a cake, it was actually a banana cake, and took it back to her to try.

Her comment was that I should stop selling flour and start making cakes. Which I did. What I didn’t tell her was that it was the first cake I had made in my life (sheltered bloke upbringing)!

And therein lies the secret I suspect. With a bit more experience and a few more culinary skills I sometimes muse on the absurdity of the ingredient proportions. No cook in their right mind would use the relative quantities I did. But that is what makes it work.

If you haven’t tried it, try it. A lady messaged our Facebook page a while ago and said the cake was life-changing.